2024-10-14 23:55:12

French Researcher Sentenced in Russia Amid Tensions

Image courtesy of : AFP (ALEXANDER NEMENOV)

A French researcher, Laurent Vinatier, has been sentenced to three years in a Russian prison for allegedly collecting military information without registering as a 'foreign agent'. The trial follows a swift legal process in which Vinatier confessed to the charges, despite his defense team's call for a more lenient penalty, such as a fine. The prosecution demanded a harsh sentence of three years and three months, highlighting the gravity of the accusations under Russian law.

Vinatier, an expert on Russia and former Soviet states, was working with the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, a non-governmental organization, at the time of his arrest. His detention coincided with escalating tensions between Moscow and Paris and was seen by some as part of Russia's broader effort to suppress foreign influence and criticism, particularly following comments by the French President during the COVID-19 pandemic.

France has condemned the arrest as arbitrary and has urged for Vinatier's immediate release, viewing it as part of a disinformation campaign and a violation of freedom of association. As his lawyers plan to appeal the verdict, the case underscores the strained diplomatic relations between the two nations. Moreover, it illustrates the precarious situation faced by foreign nationals and organizations in Russia amidst heightened security and regulatory measures.

14. Oktober 2024 um 16:18

French citizen sentenced to three years in Russia for allegedly gathering military data

French citizen sentenced to three years in Russia for allegedly gathering military data
A French scholar named Laurent Vinatier was sentenced to 3 years in Russian prison for collecting military information, violating Russia's 'foreign agent' law. He asked for leniency, faced up to 5 years, and his lawyers argued the sentence was too harsh given his scholarly focus on Russia and 'friendly' writings, as tensions flared between Russia and France.
14. Oktober 2024 um 18:30

The Russian Prosecutor General Demands the Imprisonment of a French Researcher for Three Years and Three Months on Charges of Collecting Military Information

The Russian Prosecutor General Demands the Imprisonment of a French Researcher for Three Years and Three Months on Charges of Collecting Military Information
A French resident in Russia is facing a quick trial on charges of collecting military information from three Russian citizens. The prosecution is demanding that he be imprisoned for 3 years and 3 months.
14. Oktober 2024 um 18:08

Russia: Frenchman sentenced to several years in prison camp | News blog

Russia sentences French researcher to several years in prison camp; Zelenskyy: Ukrainian soldiers hold Russia in Kursk; Merz would deliver Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine under conditions.
14. Oktober 2024 um 20:26

Laurent Vinatier: Frankreich fordert sofortige Freilassung von in Russland verurteiltem Forscher - DER SPIEGEL

Laurent Vinatier: Frankreich fordert sofortige Freilassung von in Russland verurteiltem Forscher - DER SPIEGEL
Der französische Forscher Laurent Vinatier, Mitarbeiter des Zentrums für humanitären Dialog, wurde vom russischen Geheimdienst FSB wegen Spionage-Vorwürfen zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Er bat um Vergebung und milde Strafe. Frankreich kritisiert die Verhaftung als willkürlich und Teil einer Desinformationskampagne sowie Verletzung der Vereinigungsfreiheit. Laut russischem Recht müssen sich Personen, die militärische Informationen sammeln und ausländische Hilfe erhalten, beim Justizminis..


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