2024-10-14 13:29:09

Transforming Prosperity: The Call for a Wealth Tax

The Club of Rome, alongside the Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, has emphasized the urgent need for a wealth tax to address global inequality and facilitate an ecological transformation. Globally, the wealthiest 10% hold 76% of the wealth, and in Germany, this figure stands at 60%. These disparities hinder efforts towards a sustainable future.

The proposed wealth tax aims to fund initiatives that integrate economic growth with social well-being, shifting the measurement of prosperity beyond mere financial metrics. The Club of Rome underscores the importance of social justice in combating climate change. Their Earth4All initiative offers practical solutions tailored to Germany, aligning with broader global objectives.

Key proposals include eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, empowering women, and transitioning to sustainable food and energy systems. The authors argue for a reformed fiscal policy, suggesting a reduction in environmentally harmful subsidies and advocating for more equitable consumption patterns.

Germany, as a leading industrial nation, is positioned to spearhead this transformation. The country's energy sector exemplifies rapid progress, with renewable energy now accounting for nearly 60% of electricity, a stark contrast to predictions made in 1993. However, the challenge remains significant, particularly in the domains of transportation and heating.

The report highlights the enduring issue of social mobility, noting that educational and economic opportunities are heavily influenced by one's family background. Public infrastructure investment is crucial, especially for lower-income households reliant on state services. Inequitable state subsidy programs further exacerbate these disparities.

Ultimately, the Club of Rome stresses that addressing climate change requires a long-term perspective. Inaction will lead to greater costs and irreversible damage. This call to action envisions a collective journey towards a sustainable and just future.

14. Oktober 2024 um 09:08

Climate Crisis: The Club of Rome Presents a Guide for Germany's Future - DER SPIEGEL

Climate Crisis: The Club of Rome Presents a Guide for Germany's Future - DER SPIEGEL
The Club of Rome presents proposals for Germany's climate fight, written by experts from the Wuppertal Institute and the Club of Rome. Central theses are poverty reduction, equality, empowerment of women, healthy nutrition, and the transition to clean energy. Positive trends such as falling costs for renewable energies and the circular economy in the EU are emphasized. There is criticism of the wallbox subsidy program, which mainly benefits the wealthy. The challenge lies in the transport and..
14. Oktober 2024 um 09:47

Club of Rome: Experts Call for Wealth Tax for Ecological Transformation

Club of Rome: Experts Call for Wealth Tax for Ecological Transformation
Experts from the Club of Rome and the Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy are calling for higher taxation of the wealthy to finance an environmentally and climate-friendly transformation of society and the economy. They emphasize the need to reduce inequalities and establish a circular economy.
Tagesschau - Wissenschaft und Forschung
14. Oktober 2024 um 11:47

Club of Rome Climate protection only with more social equality

Climate protection requires social justice; the Club of Rome and the Wuppertal Institute call for five turnarounds - eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, strengthening self-efficacy, transforming food and energy; democracy must be strengthened; phasing out climate-damaging subsidies and reforming public finances; limiting luxury consumption, living more moderately; Germany as a leading industrial nation can take a pioneering role; the Club of Rome published the influential report "The Lim..


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