2024-10-15 23:55:09

Saxony's CDU Faces Turmoil Over AfD Talks

Image courtesy of : AFP (MICHAELA STACHE)

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Saxony is experiencing internal strife regarding potential discussions with the Alternative for Germany (AfD). Some members staunchly oppose any engagement, while others consider it a viable option. Prime Minister Kretschmer has made his stance against cooperation with the AfD unmistakably clear, emphasizing this position in party meetings.

The CDU leadership, including Christian Hartmann, Sandra Gockel, and Georg-Ludwig von Breitenbuch, is actively participating in talks with the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance and the Social Democratic Party (SPD), aiming for a coalition excluding the AfD. Meanwhile, former CDU leader Frank Kupfer has advocated publicly for discussions with the AfD, adding to the internal discord.

This division within the CDU reflects a broader political challenge in Saxony, where forming a government without the AfD remains complicated. Talks continue between CDU, the Free Voters (BSW), and SPD, seeking a coalition that commands a majority without relying on the AfD. As the CDU navigates these talks, the party awaits further developments on the potential coalition, dubbed the "blackberry talks."

15. Oktober 2024 um 14:48

Draft for exploratory paper available

Draft for exploratory paper available
Draft for exploratory paper available; Negotiations between CDU, BSW and SPD; Party bodies are to review the results of the exploratory talks; Negotiators of a possible blackberry coalition; The parliamentary groups of the three parties do not have their own majority in the state parliament.
15. Oktober 2024 um 14:46

How the coalition thinks about an AfD ban application

How the coalition thinks about an AfD ban application
The Berlin SPD application provides for a task force that collects material against the AfD in order to support an application for a ban by the Bundestag, the federal government and the Bundesrat. SPD politician Orkan Özdemir sees this as a responsibility for democracy. CDU domestic policy maker Stefan Lenz, on the other hand, is skeptical and wants to confront the AfD in terms of content rather than take them off the market.
15. Oktober 2024 um 14:05

First Steps on the Way to Karlsruhe: Parliamentarians Advocate for AfD Ban Proceedings

First Steps on the Way to Karlsruhe: Parliamentarians Advocate for AfD Ban Proceedings
Some members of the Bundestag want to initiate a ban procedure against the AfD. The CDU politician Wanderwitz is gathering supporters to bring a corresponding motion to a vote in the Bundestag. For this, at least 37 signatures are needed. The parliamentarians argue with violations of human dignity by the AfD. A ban motion would need to come from the Bundestag, Bundesrat, or the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and would then be examined by the Federal Constitutional Court.
15. Oktober 2024 um 16:36

Wegner considers Söder's rejection of a coalition with the Greens to be wrong

Wegner considers Söder's rejection of a coalition with the Greens to be wrong
Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) criticizes Söder's exclusion of Green coalitions as a tactical mistake. He calls for reforms of the debt brake to allow more investments in infrastructure, digitalization and climate protection. Wegner sees coalitions without Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance in Thuringia and Saxony as necessary.


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