2024-10-16 09:00:12

Italy's New Migration Deal with Albania Sparks Debate

Image courtesy of : AFP (ADNAN BECI)

The arrival of the first ship carrying 16 migrants from Bangladesh and Egypt in Albania marks the beginning of a new migration policy between Italy and Albania. This initiative allows asylum applications to be processed outside Italy, with two centers established in Albania for this purpose. The migrants were picked up by the Italian Navy from the Mediterranean and arrived at the Albanian port of Shëngjin after a 36-hour journey.

Migrants will be housed in the reception centers at Shëngjin and Gjadër while their asylum claims are processed. If approved, they will be allowed to enter Italy. This agreement, endorsed by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as an innovative measure, is seen by some as a potential model for the EU. However, it has sparked criticism from human rights groups who argue it might set a dangerous precedent.

The policy's reception within the EU is mixed. While some see it as a potential blueprint for broader EU adoption, concerns have been raised regarding its fairness, oversight, and legal implications. The plan's high cost and its impact on human rights are also points of contention. Additionally, the European Court of Justice has deemed only seven countries as safe, excluding Bangladesh and Egypt, complicating the processing of certain asylum claims.

As this approach unfolds, its effectiveness and ethical implications will likely remain subjects of significant debate. The balance between innovation in migration policy and the protection of human rights will be crucial for the future of such agreements.

The Guardian
16. Oktober 2024 um 06:00

Italy’s scheme to offshore asylum claims should not be a model for the rest of Europe

Italy's deal with Albania to offshore asylum procedures involves two centers that can host up to 1,000 migrants per month, with the possibility of increasing to 3,000, at a cost of €985m over 5 years. However, the plan raises concerns over fair treatment, oversight, and cost-effectiveness, and its replicability across the EU is questionable due to legal constraints and varying migration challenges. For example, several countries on Italy's safe list are not deemed safe for certain categories of..
16. Oktober 2024 um 06:46

First asylum seekers arrive at Albanian port from Italy

First asylum seekers arrive at Albanian port from Italy
EU Commission President endorses Italy-Albania migrant deal as innovative. But human rights groups criticize it as setting dangerous precedent. Migrants' asylum claims to be processed within 28 days.
16. Oktober 2024 um 07:25

The first Italian ship carrying 16 migrants arrived in Albania

The first Italian ship carrying 16 migrants arrived in Albania
The Italian Navy ship Libra brought 16 migrants to the port of Shengjin, Albania. The migrants were part of a group of about 1,000 people who had reached or were heading to the island of Lampedusa, Sicily; they consisted of 10 Bangladeshis and 6 Egyptians. Italy and Albania have set up two centers outside their borders to process asylum applications; these facilities will be managed by Italy and will be under Italian jurisdiction, with Albanian security personnel responsible for external secur..
16. Oktober 2024 um 07:19

Migration Policy: First Ship with Migrants from Italy Reaches Albania

Migration Policy: First Ship with Migrants from Italy Reaches Albania
The first ship with 16 migrants from Bangladesh and Egypt has reached the Albanian port of Shëngjin. The migrants are to be accommodated in reception centers in Shëngjin and Gjadër, where their asylum applications will be processed.
16. Oktober 2024 um 06:23

Erste Migranten in Italiens Flüchtlingszentren in Albanien angekommen

Erste Migranten in Italiens Flüchtlingszentren in Albanien angekommen
Das Marineschiff Libra ist mit 16 Männern in Albanien eingetroffen. Sie sollen in das von Italien errichtete Flüchtlingszentrum gebracht werden


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