A devastating wildfire, known as the Franklin Fire, has erupted in Malibu, California, leading to the evacuation of thousands of residents, including several celebrities. Among those forced to flee their homes are notable figures such as Mira Sorvino, Cher, and Dick Van Dyke. The blaze has consumed over 1,100 hectares, threatening prominent landmarks like Pepperdine University and necessitating the partial closure of the Pacific Coast Highway.
The fire is being driven by the infamous Santa Ana winds, which have intensified the spread, making it difficult to control. More than 700 firefighters are currently battling the flames, reminiscent of a similar catastrophe in November 2018 that ravaged the homes of celebrities like Thomas Gottschalk, Miley Cyrus, and Gerard Butler.
As the cause of the fire remains unknown, experts are increasingly pointing to climate change as a factor in the frequency and intensity of such wildfires. This season has already seen significant destruction across California, with thousands left without power and numerous properties reduced to ashes.
The Franklin Fire has once again highlighted the vulnerability of coastal cities in California to wildfires, and the urgent need for effective fire management and environmental policies. As the situation unfolds, the priority remains the safety of residents and the protection of essential infrastructure. The full extent of the damage is yet to be determined, but the impact on the community is already profound.