2024-09-04 17:55:08

After the Thuringia Election: What the Parties are Saying Now

Image courtesy of : AFP (JENS SCHLUETER)

After the Thuringia election, the parties are commenting on possible coalition negotiations. CDU leader Voigt wants to hold 'option talks' with BSW and SPD.

BSW candidate Wolf confirms preliminary talks. The Left Party chairpersons Grosse-Röthig and Schaft reject an AfD state parliament president and advocate the concept of changing majorities.

SPD chief Maier is considering an opposition role. Höcke (AfD) cancelled at short notice.

Rumors about Left Party defectors to BSW are denied. The Green politicians Henfling and Stengele are considering not running for positions again.

FDP leader Kemmerich rules out another federal election candidacy. The parties reject an AfD state parliament president.

The CDU is facing challenges in dealing with the AfD and the BSW. The CDU is also debating whether to form a coalition with the BSW.

The CDU is concerned about the possibility of working with the left-wing party. The CDU is also facing challenges in addressing the concerns of voters in the east.

The CDU is also grappling with the question of who will be the party's candidate for chancellor in the upcoming federal election. The CDU has several issues to address, including the rise of the AfD, potential coalition partners, the role of the Left Party, the party's stance on foreign and security policy, and the question of leadership.

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