2024-09-06 17:55:08

Citizens demand a different refugee policy

Image courtesy of : AFP (TOBIAS SCHWARZ)

Citizens in Germany are expressing their dissatisfaction with the federal government's current asylum and refugee policy. According to recent surveys, 77% of the population wants a different approach.

There is a majority in favor of permanent border controls and increased powers for security authorities. Voters from the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) feel safer than others, while the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) is considered more competent on migration than the potential traffic light coalition.

The debate over government formation in Saxony and Thuringia could harm potential Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz. A majority also supports the CDU's resolution against the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, but not against the Left Party.

There is growing resistance against the participation of the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) coalition. Possible Chancellor candidates from the Union include Merz, Markus Söder, and Michael Wüst.

Poll results for the 2025 federal election show support for the CDU/CSU at 33%, the SPD at 15%, the Greens at 11%, the Free Democratic Party at 4%, the AfD at 17%, the BSW at 8%, and the Left Party at 3%.

Meanwhile, studies show that a significant number of people with a migration background are considering emigrating or moving to another federal state due to the rise of the AfD. This trend raises concerns about the potential loss of knowledge, know-how, and economic capacity for Eastern Germany, as well as the difficulty of attracting skilled workers with such an image.

The debate over migration policies continues, with CDU leader Merz calling for a decisive stance from Chancellor Scholz on border rejections. The Green Party leader Baerbock warns against panic mode in counter-terrorism efforts and calls for legal certainty, while the FDP leader Dürr calls for better cooperation with third countries and facilitated labor migration.

The debate highlights the divide among the political parties in the coalition talks. The AfD's electoral success is prompting people with a migration background to consider emigrating or moving to another federal state.

The party is perceived as anti-democratic and racist by a majority of the population, especially among those with Arab and former USSR backgrounds. However, opinions vary among different groups, and caution is urged against harmful right-wing narratives and the potential brain drain for Eastern Germany.

CDU members are discussing expanding their incompatibility resolution to include further parties, including the BSW coalition. This move is driven by concerns about conflicting principles and the impact on the party's image.

CDU leader Merz is also reportedly working on his own incompatibility resolution, targeting a specific individual: Markus Söder. Overall, the political landscape in Germany is facing challenges and uncertainties as the 2025 federal election approaches.

Deutsche Welle
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