2024-09-07 09:00:08

State Election 2024 - Fateful Election for Brandenburg?

Image courtesy of : AFP (TOBIAS SCHWARZ)

The upcoming state election in Brandenburg is shaping up to be a crucial one, with the CDU hoping to continue its upward trend and potentially deliver a knockout blow to the traffic light coalition. Jan Redmann, the CDU's leader, has been campaigning on issues such as bureaucracy, labor shortages, and high energy prices, and his party is focused on restoring clear conditions in the state.

However, the election campaign in Brandenburg is different from those in Saxony and Thuringia, as the CDU is currently the junior partner in a red-black-green coalition with the SPD. The polls show a three-way race between the SPD, AfD, and CDU, and the outcome of this election could have significant implications for the future of the traffic light coalition and the CDU's chances in the 2025 federal elections.

6. September 2024 um 23:56

After the East German Elections: RND Podcast with Sarah Frühauf and Sebastian Krumbiegel

After the East German Elections: RND Podcast with Sarah Frühauf and Sebastian Krumbiegel
AfD successes in East Germany; Consequences for federal politics; Frustration of East Germans; Difficult situation of the CDU in government formation; Migration policy, Merz ultimatum, rejection of refugees; The leadership question in the Union.
6. September 2024 um 23:00

Jens Spahn: "We have to close the borders! It's no longer possible!"

Jens Spahn: "We have to close the borders! It's no longer possible!"
CDU politician Jens Spahn is calling for Germany to stop irregular migration. He is discussing a possible coalition of the CDU with Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW in Thuringia and Saxony to stop the AfD. Spahn also sees cooperation with the Left Party in the Bundesrat as an option. The CDU must regain control over the borders and immigration.
7. September 2024 um 01:33

CDU Announces Candidate List for the City Parliament Election

CDU Announces Candidate List for the City Parliament Election
CDU announces candidates for the city parliament election; Thering and Treuenfels-Frowein as top candidates; Wersiy proposed for list position 7; FDP meets to set up their state list; Blume and Jacobsen as top candidates.
7. September 2024 um 02:32

BSW State Chairman: No Governing at Any Cost

BSW State Chairman: No Governing at Any Cost
BSW state chairman Robert Crumbach does not want to govern at any cost; Differences with the CDU on education policy; Reservations in the party due to the drunk driving incident of CDU state chairman Jan Redmann; Political scientist Jan Philipp Thomeczek sees potential government participation as a "dangerous experiment"; Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) takes a wait-and-see attitude towards cooperation.


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