2024-09-11 17:55:09

Migration: Calls for Tighter Border Controls

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Controversy surrounds Germany's asylum policy after a murder in Solingen, leading to demands for stricter border controls and pushbacks. Interior Minister Faeser has ordered temporary controls at all borders, resulting in more pushbacks reported by the Federal Police.

The conservative party is pushing for even more pushbacks and a cap on asylum seekers. The plans have faced criticism from Austria, Poland, and the Migration Council, who deem them illegal.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Lindner has voiced his sharp views on the topic. The reintroduction of border controls in Germany has prompted mixed reactions from neighboring countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France.

There are concerns about disruptions for residents and truck drivers, but some see the measures as necessary for controlling immigration and ensuring security. A recent survey in Germany reveals a majority in favor of a more restrictive migration policy, raising questions about the future of Germany's approach to migration.

Medico International has launched a fund to support refugees who are unlawfully imprisoned, highlighting the need to end the policy of dehumanization and the importance of a diverse society with over 20 million people in Germany having a migration background.

Deutsche Welle
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