2024-09-12 05:50:08

FDP General Secretary Djir-Sarai Calls on Merz to Return to the Negotiating Table

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The FDP is urging CDU leader Friedrich Merz not to shy away from further debates on stricter asylum laws and to find a common solution with the Ampel coalition. FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai called on the Union and its leader to return to the negotiating table.

Talks between the Union and the Ampel government on migration policy failed this week. CDU leader Merz had called for extensive rejections of refugees at the border, including asylum seekers.

The government had legal concerns about this proposal. The Bundestag is discussing an asylum and security package in the wake of the suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen.

The Union has presented its own draft law to limit immigration. The FDP General Secretary is also appealing to the Union to participate in debates on stricter asylum laws.

The president of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is calling on the democratic center to find a common solution. The Jusos and Green Youth are also strongly criticizing the asylum policy of the Ampel coalition.

11. September 2024 um 22:00

The Traffic Light Coalition's Security Package: Is the FDP Blocking Investments in Security?

The Traffic Light Coalition's Security Package: Is the FDP Blocking Investments in Security?
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12. September 2024 um 00:47

Ramelow criticizes "competition to outdo each other"

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12. September 2024 um 03:34

Migrationsgipfel bei Lanz: Abgebrochen, unterbrochen, gescheitert? Nicht ganz - n-tv.de

Migrationsgipfel bei Lanz: Abgebrochen, unterbrochen, gescheitert? Nicht ganz - n-tv.de
Migrationsgipfel bei Lanz Abgebrochen, unterbrochen, gescheitert? Nicht ganz Union leader Merz declares the migration talks with the federal government to have failed - which he had planned from the beginning, says Chancellor Scholz. Is that so? At Lanz, one of the CDU negotiators avoids a clear answer for a long time. It was a small shock. On Tuesday afternoon, the Union left the joint migration summit with the traffic light coalition. This is how CDU leader Friedrich Merz presented it at a p..
12. September 2024 um 03:42

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12. September 2024 um 03:48

Merz lehnt "Endlosschleife von Gesprächen" über Migration ab

Merz lehnt "Endlosschleife von Gesprächen" über Migration ab
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