2024-09-13 17:55:09

Kretschmer's Unusual Support for Woidke Amidst Tight Election Race

Image courtesy of : (Uwe Kloessing)

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, a member of the CDU, has openly supported SPD's Dietmar Woidke in the upcoming Brandenburg state election. Despite this endorsement causing some friction within his own party, Kretschmer emphasizes his commitment to the region's welfare.

Polls show a tight race, with the AfD slightly ahead of the SPD, and the CDU trailing behind. The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is also a significant contender, while the Greens risk not securing any seats.

Former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth has also voiced her support for Woidke, adding further complexity to the political landscape. This unusual political alignment has stirred debate, reflecting the challenging dynamics as parties navigate the electoral terrain.

With the AfD's strong showing and the CDU's internal disagreements, the outcome of the election could have substantial implications for both Brandenburg and the broader German political scene.

13. September 2024 um 09:09

Weak poll numbers: 68 percent against Scholz's candidacy for chancellor

Weak poll numbers: 68 percent against Scholz's candidacy for chancellor
Survey by the Süddeutsche Zeitung: 68% reject Scholz as the SPD's candidate for chancellor, including SPD voters from 2021; Scholz reaffirms his claim to the chancellorship in 2025, expects to lead the government; Pistorius wants, "like many others", for Scholz to run again as head of government in the 2025 federal election.
13. September 2024 um 13:52

Why CDU-Man Kretschmer Supports SPD-Man Woidke - DER SPIEGEL

Why CDU-Man Kretschmer Supports SPD-Man Woidke - DER SPIEGEL
Kretschmer supports Woidke in the election campaign, although this is detrimental to the CDU. Users must have a SPIEGEL-ID account, accept the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, and receive a purchase confirmation. The digital offering has over 400,000 subscribers. The subscription is automatically extended by one month, but can be canceled 24 hours before it expires.
13. September 2024 um 12:18

Election campaign: Campact organization starts first-vote campaign against AfD

Election campaign: Campact organization starts first-vote campaign against AfD
Campact received 16.1 million euros last year, mainly through donations and membership fees from around 80,000 supporters in Brandenburg. With this money, the organization specifically supports candidates to prevent a blocking power of the AfD in the state parliament.
13. September 2024 um 12:04

Official final result of the state election in Saxony

Official final result of the state election in Saxony
The final election result in Saxony is fixed: CDU 41 seats, AfD 40 seats, BSW 15, SPD 10, Greens 7, Left 6 seats. Direct mandate for the Free Voters. Manipulated ballots declared invalid. Correction in the Leipzig constituency.


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