2024-09-25 23:55:08

EU's Africa Aid Criticized for Lack of Focus and Impact

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The European Court of Auditors has strongly criticized the European Union's €5 billion aid fund for Africa, known as the EUTF. Established in 2015, the fund aimed to curb irregular migration and improve stability in Africa.

However, the auditors found that the aid was distributed too broadly and did not address the most pressing issues. Human rights violations were insufficiently tackled, despite available research reports highlighting these concerns.

For the first time, an external consulting firm was hired to monitor human rights in Libya, but their findings were not adequately assessed. The EU’s strategy also faced issues in the Sahel region, where projects were found to be non-operational or economically unviable.

The EUTF's broad distribution meant that funds were spread across 27 countries, diluting their impact. This approach has been criticized for not effectively targeting key areas of instability, irregular migration, and displacement.

The European Court of Auditors has called for a more focused use of migration-specific data and research to guide future aid distribution. The EU commission acknowledged the need for stronger procedures to address human rights concerns and aims to improve its future strategies through the Global Europe instrument.

Despite creating jobs and providing basic services to millions, the current approach has been deemed inadequate in solving the core issues the fund was designed to tackle.

The Guardian
25. September 2024 um 15:19

EU fund to stem migration from Africa ‘fails to address risks’ – watchdog

The €5bn EU trust fund for Africa, the bloc's flagship migration policy set up in 2015 to curb migration, lacks focus and fails to address human rights risks. The EU has a controversial agreement to fund Libya's coastguard, which has been accused of detaining migrants in abusive centers. EU-funded equipment in Libya may have been misused by criminal organizations. The auditors found the commission lacked formal procedures for reporting and assessing human rights violations. Projects in the Sahel..
Frankfurter Rundschau
25. September 2024 um 15:05

Sharp Criticism of Africa Aid

Sharp Criticism of Africa Aid
The European Court of Auditors criticizes the "watering can principle" of the EU's 5 billion euro program for Africa. The funds were broadly distributed without addressing the most urgent problems on the ground. Human rights violations were not comprehensively addressed, despite valuable research reports being available. The EU Commission is urged to take a more targeted approach in the future and to utilize migration-specific data and research findings.
Deutsche Welle
25. September 2024 um 15:36

EU auditors say Africa fund 'spread too thinly'' to reduce migration

EU auditors say Africa fund 'spread too thinly'' to reduce migration
The EU's €5 billion EUTF, created in 2015 during the Syrian refugee crisis, aimed to address migration in Africa but was "spread too thinly" across 27 countries. The auditors found job creation was overstated, human rights risks were not properly monitored, and Libya still lacks an operational Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre despite EUTF funding. The EUTF funded over a hundred research reports to adopt an evidence-based approach, but most funds had been committed before the reports were re..
25. September 2024 um 16:36

EU-Gelder für Afrika: Milliarden ohne große Wirkung

EU-Gelder für Afrika: Milliarden ohne große Wirkung
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