2024-09-26 17:55:08

The Rightward Shift of Germany’s Political Center

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Germany’s political landscape has shifted significantly to the right, a trend recognized by CDU leader Friedrich Merz. Discontent with traditional parties like the SPD and the Greens has grown, especially among younger voters.

The failure to address concerns about immigration, crime, and economic instability has contributed to this shift. The AfD has capitalized on these issues, gaining substantial support from younger demographics, especially in eastern states.

The recent elections have shown a notable increase in the AfD’s popularity among voters aged 16 to 29, driven largely by economic fears, housing issues, and a sense of insecurity. Traditional parties have been criticized for being out of touch with the average citizen's concerns, focusing instead on broader, less immediate issues like climate change.

The AfD's direct engagement with young voters through platforms like TikTok has also played a crucial role in their rising support. This rightward trend is likely to impact future elections, as the center of political gravity in Germany continues to shift.

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