2024-09-18 13:29:09

EU to Deduct Fine from Hungary's Funds Over Asylum Law Breaches

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The European Commission will deduct a €200 million fine from Hungary's EU funds after the country refused to pay penalties imposed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The fine was levied due to Hungary's violations of EU asylum laws, which included restricting asylum access and detaining applicants. Hungary faces additional daily fines and has seen €21 billion in EU funds frozen as a consequence of its rule-of-law decline.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has called the penalty 'outrageous and unacceptable,' while Hungary has threatened to bus migrants to Belgium, encountering opposition from Belgian and EU authorities. The penalty stems from Hungary's response to the 2015 migrant crisis, where restrictive measures were enacted, including the construction of border fences and limiting asylum applications to Hungarian embassies abroad.

The European Commission's decision to deduct the fine directly from Hungary's EU funds underscores the ongoing tensions between Brussels and Budapest. Hungary's government has also blocked significant EU aid packages intended for Ukraine as leverage in negotiations. Despite the fines and frozen funds, Hungary remains hopeful of resolving the situation through discussions with the EU Commission.

18. September 2024 um 11:38

Compensation for unpaid penalty: EU Commission wants to reduce payments to Hungary - n-tv.de

Compensation for unpaid penalty: EU Commission wants to reduce payments to Hungary - n-tv.de
The EU Commission wants to deduct a fine of 200 million euros from the European Court of Justice due to violations of EU asylum law as well as a daily penalty payment from the conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Hungary. In 2015, Hungary erected barbed wire fences on its borders, allowing only a few irregular migrants to enter the country via the Balkan route, and the Commission has already frozen billions in funding for the country as Hungary is violating EU standards and fundamental..
18. September 2024 um 10:48

Brussels moves to deduct €200 million fine from Hungary's EU funds, as country refuses to pay up

Brussels moves to deduct €200 million fine from Hungary's EU funds, as country refuses to pay up
The European Commission will deduct a €200 million ECJ fine from Hungary's EU funds after the country refused to pay. Hungary faces additional daily fines, has €21 billion in funds frozen due to rule-of-law decline, extended its National Card scheme to Russians and Belarusians, and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called the "outrageous and unacceptable" penalty. Hungary has threatened to bus migrants to Belgium, which has met with opposition from Belgian and EU authorities.
18. September 2024 um 10:59

Orban must pay: Millions in fines to be deducted from Hungary's EU funds

Orban must pay: Millions in fines to be deducted from Hungary's EU funds
Hungary is to have 200 million euros in fines deducted from EU payments; the reason is a violation of EU asylum law; the fine was imposed by the European Court of Justice against the government of Viktor Orbán.
18. September 2024 um 10:50

Breaking News: Million-euro fine to be deducted from Hungary's EU funds

Breaking News: Million-euro fine to be deducted from Hungary's EU funds
+++Breaking News+++ After Hungary failed to pay a 200 million euro fine, the European Commission wants to deduct the money from EU payments to Budapest. Learn more about the topic here.
18. September 2024 um 10:51

Millionen-Strafe soll Ungarn von EU-Geldern abgezogen werden

Millionen-Strafe soll Ungarn von EU-Geldern abgezogen werden
Nachdem Ungarn eine 200-Millionen-Euro-Strafe nicht bezahlt hat, will die Europäische Kommission das Geld von EU-Zahlungen an Budapest abziehen. Das kündigte die Brüsseler Behörde an. Die Strafe war vom Europäischen Gerichtshof wegen Verstößen Ungarns gegen das EU-Asylrecht verhängt worden.


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